Coaching for Candis
Hi, I’m Torsten! Since August 2020, I have been accompanying the developments at Candis as a process facilitator. This includes a critical view from the outside and coaching of the management. My task is to promote sustainable growth of the company. This includes – starting from the management – a deeper self-knowledge, targeted communication and a common understanding of modern leadership. I am available to answer your questions about coaching. I will gladly put you in touch with a coach from my network or work with you on a 1:1 basis. I have a special offer for Candis employees. I look forward to hearing from you! Torsten
- Business trainer according to BDVT professional association and TAM Academy
- Adult education trainer according to TÜV Nord guidelines
- Further training to become a certified online trainer (TAM Academy)
- Personal and business coach, ZFU-certified
- Geographer, B.Sc. (Humboldt University Berlin)

Procedure of the coaching process
1. first contact
What is the key issue?
2. target definition
What is the focus on?
3. execution
Individual coachings.
4. follow-up talk
Ensuring the transfer.
Further information
I am a professional Business and Personal Coach. I’ve always been passionate about finding smart ways to optimize not only my physical, but also my intellectual capacities. I believe establishing self-discovery strategies as early as possible is the key to full potential. I began using these strategies as an athlete in my early teen years, whilst guiding international adventure groups and later as a trainer for the Business-Trainer- and Leadership-programs at the TAM Academy. These situations and a close study of interpersonal relations have paved the way to a deeper understanding of how to fully develop true potential within myself and others. This knowledge is growing every day, and – after the kind invitation of your CEOs Christopher and Christian – I’m here to teach you how to apply that, too, if you like. For a better understanding of what Coaching can be and do for you, how you find the right coach and how I personally approach it, I will shortly introduce each.
Business vs. personal coaching
Coaching generally has two approaches: business- and personal coaching. The first focuses on business-related topics and processes as for example implementing strategies of modern leadership to ensure sustainable growth. The latter focuses rather on personal concerns as for example interpersonal relationships. In case you are not sure, which approach fits your matter best, I recommend consulting a coach, who works in both fields.
How to find the ‚right coach‘?
To be honest, that’s quite tricky. To begin with, there are manifold coaches on the market because there are still no protected standards to coaching. Consequently, anyone can call themselves a coach. That is, why I highly recommend asking for the coaches certified qualifications and for further references. Besides the qualifications on paper, it is essential to have a good interpersonal relationship with the coach. Coaching is all about trust. No one but you will know better, whom to best work with considering not only their qualifications but also their gender, language, and age. I do want to encourage each of you to follow your guts and if in doubt, do not hesitate to consult various coaches.
My approach to coaching
As to myself, I am a certified Personal- and Business-coach, which means that I am trained to work in both, the business and the personal sector. Mostly, I am booked for business matters, but as practice shows, they are often cross-relational to the client’s private life. Often, this leads to further personal coaching sessions during the process. Therefore, I am also fully experienced in supporting clients with personal concerns. In conclusion, these approaches can be executed as long-term processes and – that could be especially interesting for you – as “solution-focused short-term coaching.” To that effect, we will establish self-discovery strategies to strengthen your strengths and to identify your potentials. After all, if you consider working with me or need more information on coaching in general, feel free to contact me at any time.
„I thank Torsten very much for his work and invite you to benefit from his knowledge as well. I am impressed by how quickly he gets to central questions and with how much sensitivity he expands solution spaces“
Christopher Becker
„The coaching with Torsten helps me to get clarity about my behavior in business situations in a structured and intensive way and thus forms the foundation for my personal leadership style.“
Christian Ritosek